Oh, my goodness! The last week has literally flown by. My little fella is FINALLY here! Here is my story of labor and delivery...
On Monday, December 12th, I went in to be induced at 8AM. The doctor and nurses all said they would be surprised if I were still pregnant at 5PM. The baby was really low, I was 3cm, and 90% effaced. They started my Pitocin drip at 9AM. The doctor had told me he would break my water early, well I started to get ansy around 2:30 because nothing was happening. I wasn't progressing at all.
I started having pretty bad back labor around 5 and asked for my epidural. Finally, around 6:30PM, the doctor broke my water. It was then that I realized that the epidural hadn't worked. I labored on slowly until 9. Around 9:30, they took out my epidural and gave me a new one. The new one just took off the edge, but they had to keep dosing me every 20minutes...I'll be honest, it was not fun!
I started to worry that I would end up needing a C-Section sometime after midnight. Things finally started progressing after 2AM. After an hour and 21 minutes of pushing and tearing :(....I had my little miracle in my arms. I remember just repeating, "I want him, I want him." All "goopy" and all. Nothing else in the world mattered and everyone and everything thing simply disappeared.
Cooper Daniel
21 1/2 inches
Perfection in a tiny package :0)
It is a love that I never knew before. He is this amazing little person that I literally can stare at for hours on end. All the pain of 2010, all the difficulties with getting pregnant, all the crazy drugs and procedures, all 225 (give or take) days of throwing up....ALL worth it!! I love him more than I have ever loved. I am truly blessed with the best Christmas gift EVER!!!
Here are some pictures...
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas or Hanukkah. May the New Year bring you joy and happiness!
Love to you and yours,
Shannon and Baby Cooper
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Holiday Hoppenings
SURPRISE...a pre-baby post! I know I had said that I doubted I would post something before our little guy arrives, but I need a distraction. One can only clean, cook, organize, and bake so much! Before I give you a few things, I would love to share pictures of our nursery! I can't wait for our baby to make it complete.
And, here is the basket of double chocolate chip Heath cookies that I made this morning for the nurses and doctors who have to put up with me. Yum-O!
Please consider making a donation to my blog.
All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit http://www.djinkers.com/, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
With the Bingo cards, I give my kiddos the list of words and they write their own cards.
December Sight Word Bingo
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Polar Express. We have a whole party for it...which is tomorrow, I hope my kids have so much fun!
First Gift of Christmas Class Book
Holiday Journal
Holiday Syllables
Holidays Around the World Bingo
For this emergent reader, copy the main page on cardstock and the rest on regular paper. It will hold up nicely!
Holiday, Holiday, What Do You See
Reindeer Noses Books
Santa Medial Sounds
Santa Sight Words
Math Goods
Christmas Graphing Worksheet
Count the Menorah Candles Book
Do You Like Candy Canes Graph
Elf Squeeze directions are actually on the document. It's just an update of the Everyday Math Game "Monster Squeeze". My students are beyond 1-10 by this point, but definitely need practice with the tricky teens!
Elf Squeeze
Polar Express Numbers Worksheet
We use sentence strips for this sequencing activity.
Present Number Sequencing
Roll a Christmas Tree (2 Dice)
Santa Number Puzzles
Spin and Graph December Spinner
Spin & Graph December Holidays
And, here is the basket of double chocolate chip Heath cookies that I made this morning for the nurses and doctors who have to put up with me. Yum-O!
My last day at school was Friday. My intention was to work until I labor...on Thursday our doctor scheduled an induction for Monday, December 12th!!!!! I am over the moon excited and scared to death at the same time! I pray that everything goes smoothly.
My gift is coming tomorrow. Those of you who have read my posts from way back when now what a long and crazy journey it has been for me. It seemed to take forever to get here....lots of tears, medical interventions, and doubt. The pregnancy has not been very easy, I have thrown up every single day due to chronic and horrible acid reflux. Now that it is ending, I will miss feeling him within me. It will most likely be my only pregnancy and I have truly tried my best to enjoy it. A new journey lies ahead, I hope that you will stick around as I find my way through it....I probably won't be creating so much, but I will try.
Now for your gifts. It's just a hodge podge of Holiday stuff! I adore all things holiday related, so maybe next year I will go all out with a fabulous post. For now, I haven't created anything new, it's mainly things that I've used before. I hope you will find things to use in your classroom. Remember...it is the season of giving. If you have a blog, it is the perfect time to just post a unit as a freebie :-)
Happy "Labor" Day...couldn't resist!
Please consider making a donation to my blog.
All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit http://www.djinkers.com/, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
Literacy Goods
With the Bingo cards, I give my kiddos the list of words and they write their own cards.
December Sight Word Bingo
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Polar Express. We have a whole party for it...which is tomorrow, I hope my kids have so much fun!
First Gift of Christmas Class Book
Holiday Journal
Holiday Syllables
Holidays Around the World Bingo
For this emergent reader, copy the main page on cardstock and the rest on regular paper. It will hold up nicely!
Holiday, Holiday, What Do You See
Reindeer Noses Books
Santa Medial Sounds
Santa Sight Words
Math Goods
Christmas Graphing Worksheet
Count the Menorah Candles Book
Do You Like Candy Canes Graph
Elf Squeeze directions are actually on the document. It's just an update of the Everyday Math Game "Monster Squeeze". My students are beyond 1-10 by this point, but definitely need practice with the tricky teens!
Elf Squeeze
Polar Express Numbers Worksheet
We use sentence strips for this sequencing activity.
Present Number Sequencing
Roll a Christmas Tree (2 Dice)
Santa Number Puzzles
Spin and Graph December Spinner
Spin & Graph December Holidays
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Poetry Journals: Making them Matter (December Edition)
I really thought I wouldn't have another post until someone had left a comment about the last Poetry Journal set. Yowza! I completely forgot!! Well, I woke up bright and early and put together this little post. We only have three weeks in December, so there are only 3 poems. We do one for our Gingerbread Unit, one for Holidays Around the World, and one for Christmas (because I ADORE the Peppermint Stick song)! I have kept the format the same....new journal pages, followed by old for anyone who wants them.
I plan on posting another Edition of Poetry Journals in the winter. In my room, we begin to do more activities with them and try to utilize them during center time. It is my hope to put together a post of activities!
As always, I hope you enjoy! Leave a comment if you feel chatty! Again, I am sorry for the late arrival of this post!!! Will post some pics as soon as my little bundle arrives, thanks for all the sweet comments and prayers!!!
Thanks for reading!
All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit http://www.djinkers.com/, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
All of my Poetry Journals can now be found on TPT, as well.
Four Gingerbread Men
Four Gingerbread Men
The Driedle Song
The Driedle Song
Peppermint Stick
Peppermint Stick
I plan on posting another Edition of Poetry Journals in the winter. In my room, we begin to do more activities with them and try to utilize them during center time. It is my hope to put together a post of activities!
As always, I hope you enjoy! Leave a comment if you feel chatty! Again, I am sorry for the late arrival of this post!!! Will post some pics as soon as my little bundle arrives, thanks for all the sweet comments and prayers!!!
Thanks for reading!
All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit http://www.djinkers.com/, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
All of my Poetry Journals can now be found on TPT, as well.
Four Gingerbread Men
Four Gingerbread Men
The Driedle Song
The Driedle Song
Peppermint Stick
Peppermint Stick
Poetry Journals
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Run, Run, as fast as you can!
I know I have not been the best blogger in the world, I am sooo sorry! I had these grand delusions that I would get a good Thanksgiving unit done and posted...here we are just days away and I've got nothing for you. I have been consumed by all things BABY!
We had our baby shower October 23rd and suddenly the flood gates opened up for us! Our loss last year truly kept us extremely cautious. Once we had our shower, I began M.A.J.O.R nesting! From organizing his nursery to stocking our freezer. I try to sit down and blog or create and I find myself on etsy ordering a zillion custom burp clothes. He's our first and most likely our only, so I am going to shop to my hearts content and spoil him!!! We are getting very close to D Day, December 16. I am truly torn because I am beyond excited to meet my little guy but I LOVE teaching in December...it is the best. I guess I just need to sit back and enjoy the ride.
If you have sent me emails, I am sorry that I have not replied. It isn't because I don't appreciate your kind words, I am just consumed with baby, prepping for a long term sub, and report cards/conferences. Also, if you leave me comments on Scribd, I will just come right out and say it, it's a pain to read them. I have to click on each individual comment and then wait for that dreaded site to show it, so the moral of that story is that you should send things to gmail or leave them on the blog because we all know Scribd is a pain! Also, I know there have been some mistakes in some of my games like I have/Who Has, I blame my pregnant brain, LOL. I promise I will eventually fix those mistakes and repost....might be next fall, but it will get done!
I haven't been creating like I normally do, but I do have some things I use for our Gingerbread Unit, which by the way, I ADORE! We read all the different variations of the story, compare characters, taste gingerbread, make some super cute glyphs...it is soooo much fun for me and the kiddos! I am posting the small amount of things I have, I wish I had more and I wish I could tell you that I will post things for Holidays Around the World, but it is doubtful.
I will post an update when my little guy makes his appearance and that may be it until 2012. As always, I hope you find something you can use; I hope I inspire you to share (especially during this time of year); and I hope you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!! May you, your family, and friends be blessed!
Please consider making a donation to my blog.
All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit http://www.djinkers.com/, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
Books We Love

All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit http://www.djinkers.com/, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
The Literacy Goods
Beginning Sounds Match Up
Gingerbread Sight Word Bingo
Gingerbread Man Sight Words
Gingerbread Man Medial Sounds
Gingerbread Man Class Book
Where is the Gingerbread Girl Little Book (Positional Words)
The Math Goods
Sweet Patterns
Gingerbread Tricky Teens Worksheet
Gingerbread Math Worksheet
Gingerbread Man by 10's Worksheet
Buttons for the Gingerbread Man Math Book (Counting Backwards)
Do You Like Gingerbread Graph
We had our baby shower October 23rd and suddenly the flood gates opened up for us! Our loss last year truly kept us extremely cautious. Once we had our shower, I began M.A.J.O.R nesting! From organizing his nursery to stocking our freezer. I try to sit down and blog or create and I find myself on etsy ordering a zillion custom burp clothes. He's our first and most likely our only, so I am going to shop to my hearts content and spoil him!!! We are getting very close to D Day, December 16. I am truly torn because I am beyond excited to meet my little guy but I LOVE teaching in December...it is the best. I guess I just need to sit back and enjoy the ride.
If you have sent me emails, I am sorry that I have not replied. It isn't because I don't appreciate your kind words, I am just consumed with baby, prepping for a long term sub, and report cards/conferences. Also, if you leave me comments on Scribd, I will just come right out and say it, it's a pain to read them. I have to click on each individual comment and then wait for that dreaded site to show it, so the moral of that story is that you should send things to gmail or leave them on the blog because we all know Scribd is a pain! Also, I know there have been some mistakes in some of my games like I have/Who Has, I blame my pregnant brain, LOL. I promise I will eventually fix those mistakes and repost....might be next fall, but it will get done!
I haven't been creating like I normally do, but I do have some things I use for our Gingerbread Unit, which by the way, I ADORE! We read all the different variations of the story, compare characters, taste gingerbread, make some super cute glyphs...it is soooo much fun for me and the kiddos! I am posting the small amount of things I have, I wish I had more and I wish I could tell you that I will post things for Holidays Around the World, but it is doubtful.
I will post an update when my little guy makes his appearance and that may be it until 2012. As always, I hope you find something you can use; I hope I inspire you to share (especially during this time of year); and I hope you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!! May you, your family, and friends be blessed!
Please consider making a donation to my blog.
All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit http://www.djinkers.com/, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
Books We Love

All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit http://www.djinkers.com/, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
The Literacy Goods
Beginning Sounds Match Up
Gingerbread Sight Word Bingo
Gingerbread Man Sight Words
Gingerbread Man Medial Sounds
Gingerbread Man Class Book
Where is the Gingerbread Girl Little Book (Positional Words)
The Math Goods
Sweet Patterns
Gingerbread Tricky Teens Worksheet
Gingerbread Math Worksheet
Gingerbread Man by 10's Worksheet
Buttons for the Gingerbread Man Math Book (Counting Backwards)
Do You Like Gingerbread Graph
Gingerbread Man
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Hoppy Fall Y'All
First, I have to thank everyone for all the kind words!! I really just wanted to lay it all out for my anonymous "friend" out there. Your comments truly mean so much to me!
Well, here in the subs of Chicago, I think we can officially say that autumn is upon us. It was chilly, rainy, and quite windy today....great for snuggling and comfort food OR just chillin' on the couch with my laptop, a baby boy that is practicing Kung Fu in my belly, and a ginormous cat that is extremely needy. I've been creating, creating, creating!!! I realized I barely had anything for Fall, and after all the wonderful comments....I truly wanted to put together a nice package of downloads.
For those of you in the throws of Parent/Teacher conferences, I hope this will help ease your planning. I hope everyone can find something useful! As always, I appreciate any comments and thank you for reading/downloading!
Please consider making a donation to my blog.
All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit http://www.djinkers.com/, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
Books We Love

Literacy Goods
Memory Cards...a favorite of my class!
Pumpkin Sight Word Memory
The template for Sight Word Uno came from kellyskindergarten.com. It does take a lot of practice with students, but once they have a handle on how to play...they LOVE it!
Fall Sight Word Uno
Fall Sight Word Find
I Have/Who Has...has become an obsession with my current Kinder-Hoppers. The pretty much beg to play it over and over, so I just keep trying to make new ones.
I Have Who Has Fall Edition Alphabet)
Have I told you lately how much I L.O.V.E. DJ inkers? Virtually all of my clipart comes from her...I am a clipart junkie. I loved these open pumpkins and thought they would work well as puzzles.
Pumpkin Alphabet Puzzles
You've seen this template before...St. Patrick's Day. I mount them to cute scrapbooking paper and put velcro circles on the letters and spaces.
Pumpkin Building Words Mats
The Sound It Out worksheet compliments the building words activity above. There are two different papers depending on what your kiddos need.
Sound It Out Pumpkin Worksheet
Early Fall Sight Word Color by Code
Beginning Sounds Leaf Match Up
I made this book quite a while ago and now looking at it, I kind of wish I hadn't included anything that could be related to Halloween. Maybe someday I will change it up!
Fall Colors Book
Pumpkin ABC's
We focus so much of our time at the beginning of the year with beginning sounds, but I know some of my loves are ready for ending sounds!
Squirrel Acorn Ending Sounds Match
The Falling Leaves Sort focuses on beginning sounds P and B. The second page has the leaves/pictures for students to color, cut, and glue. They are fairly small so I put two on a sheet to save on paper.
Falling Leaves P & B Sound Sort
The Math Goods
I adore these ten frames that we are going to use for centers. I am not using the acorns in my room. I went to Michaels and found these little stone acorns that were on clearance, well because it is October and time to put on Christmas decor, lol.

Squirrel Ten Frames
Squirrel Ten Frames 11-20
Students get to use dice and practice writing numbers on this sheet. Then after all the pumpkins have a number in them, they color by code.Roll, Write, And Color
Scarecrow-Crow Number Matching
Roll a Leaf
Number Match
I always have my kiddos make their own Bingo cards. I give them a copy of both sheets. They write down one number and then cross it off the second sheet...that way they don't duplicate any numbers. Four in a row wins!
Number Bingo
Falling Leaves Graphing Worksheet
Fall Comparing Sets Center
This book is similar to my Counting Spiders books. Students will use a stamp pad to make crows and then use a marker or pencil to make eyes and beaks on the crows. I tried to come up with a different title...but hey, I truly LOVE the Counting Crows and just couldn't resist.
Counting Crows Math Book
I have these printed on 11x17 paper. They will be mounted and laminated. I found foil leaf confetti (also on Clearance) at Michaels. Students will use a paperclip and a pencil as the spinner. The goal is to fill the trees with the specified number of leaves.

Autumn Leaves Math Game
Another blast from the past...Students roll a dice or two and write the number in the first box, then fill in the numbers that come next.
What Comes Next Fall Edition
Well, here in the subs of Chicago, I think we can officially say that autumn is upon us. It was chilly, rainy, and quite windy today....great for snuggling and comfort food OR just chillin' on the couch with my laptop, a baby boy that is practicing Kung Fu in my belly, and a ginormous cat that is extremely needy. I've been creating, creating, creating!!! I realized I barely had anything for Fall, and after all the wonderful comments....I truly wanted to put together a nice package of downloads.
For those of you in the throws of Parent/Teacher conferences, I hope this will help ease your planning. I hope everyone can find something useful! As always, I appreciate any comments and thank you for reading/downloading!
Please consider making a donation to my blog.
All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit http://www.djinkers.com/, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
Books We Love

Literacy Goods
Memory Cards...a favorite of my class!
Pumpkin Sight Word Memory
The template for Sight Word Uno came from kellyskindergarten.com. It does take a lot of practice with students, but once they have a handle on how to play...they LOVE it!
Fall Sight Word Uno
Fall Sight Word Find
I Have/Who Has...has become an obsession with my current Kinder-Hoppers. The pretty much beg to play it over and over, so I just keep trying to make new ones.
I Have Who Has Fall Edition Alphabet)
Have I told you lately how much I L.O.V.E. DJ inkers? Virtually all of my clipart comes from her...I am a clipart junkie. I loved these open pumpkins and thought they would work well as puzzles.
Pumpkin Alphabet Puzzles
You've seen this template before...St. Patrick's Day. I mount them to cute scrapbooking paper and put velcro circles on the letters and spaces.
Pumpkin Building Words Mats
The Sound It Out worksheet compliments the building words activity above. There are two different papers depending on what your kiddos need.
Sound It Out Pumpkin Worksheet
Early Fall Sight Word Color by Code
Beginning Sounds Leaf Match Up
I made this book quite a while ago and now looking at it, I kind of wish I hadn't included anything that could be related to Halloween. Maybe someday I will change it up!
Fall Colors Book
Pumpkin ABC's
We focus so much of our time at the beginning of the year with beginning sounds, but I know some of my loves are ready for ending sounds!
Squirrel Acorn Ending Sounds Match
The Falling Leaves Sort focuses on beginning sounds P and B. The second page has the leaves/pictures for students to color, cut, and glue. They are fairly small so I put two on a sheet to save on paper.
Falling Leaves P & B Sound Sort
The Math Goods
I adore these ten frames that we are going to use for centers. I am not using the acorns in my room. I went to Michaels and found these little stone acorns that were on clearance, well because it is October and time to put on Christmas decor, lol.

Squirrel Ten Frames
Squirrel Ten Frames 11-20
Students get to use dice and practice writing numbers on this sheet. Then after all the pumpkins have a number in them, they color by code.Roll, Write, And Color
Scarecrow-Crow Number Matching
Roll a Leaf
Number Match
I always have my kiddos make their own Bingo cards. I give them a copy of both sheets. They write down one number and then cross it off the second sheet...that way they don't duplicate any numbers. Four in a row wins!
Number Bingo
Falling Leaves Graphing Worksheet
Fall Comparing Sets Center
This book is similar to my Counting Spiders books. Students will use a stamp pad to make crows and then use a marker or pencil to make eyes and beaks on the crows. I tried to come up with a different title...but hey, I truly LOVE the Counting Crows and just couldn't resist.
Counting Crows Math Book
I have these printed on 11x17 paper. They will be mounted and laminated. I found foil leaf confetti (also on Clearance) at Michaels. Students will use a paperclip and a pencil as the spinner. The goal is to fill the trees with the specified number of leaves.

Autumn Leaves Math Game
Another blast from the past...Students roll a dice or two and write the number in the first box, then fill in the numbers that come next.
What Comes Next Fall Edition
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