Sunday, October 16, 2011

Who I Am

So, this post isn't for everyone. It's actually for one. One person who has chosen to remain anonymous. One person who doesn't know who I am at all, based on what they've said about me. It isn't a person I work with and it isn't a parent from my school...just a random person. To that person let me give you some insight to who I am and what I know to be true.

I have been working with children in a teaching capacity since January 1994. I graduated high school early and began working at a Pre-School immediately. I teach because it is a part of who I am. I have a love for teaching AND learning. Some people go into teaching because they think the kids are cute, they have good lessons, or for a number of reasons that just seem wrong to me. I teach because I know in my heart of hearts that I can help my students achieve goals in fun ways. The lessons are not nearly as important as the outcome...

I am extremely hard on myself within my classroom. I am constantly reflecting on what I can do better for my students. My students are my priority. My lessons, my materials, and all the other things that go with it are important too; however, my students learning the things I want them to learn is above all else the most important. This has always been my priority since 1994. I self describe myself as a bit OCD in my classroom. I am focused on my students being successful and enjoying Kindergarten, if this is a fault...I am willing to live with it. I really don't know of any good teachers who are not OCD in some ways in their classroom. We are striving for success, we have an abundance of paper work to stay on top of, we aim to be experts in everything that impacts our classroom, we are constantly seeking new ways to teach, we are always looking for the most engaging lessons...the list goes on and on, or at least it does for the good teachers.

In regard to fellow teachers, I will do virtually anything I can to help them. I love to create and share with others. I seek help from other teachers, as well. If I have a concern of any kind, I utilize people around me. Good teachers use people and resources to help themselves. I will be completely honest, individuals that do nothing to help themselves or to improve their craft...I lose patience with. Is this a fault, perhaps; however, it takes a lot for me to lose my patience. I am not perfect. I am human. I make mistakes, but I try my very hardest to learn from my mistakes and not make them over and over.

So, if you still think of me as a teacher who isn't very good or one that you would not want your child to have, then so be it. I know who I am, my administrators and co-workers know who I am and what I can do, and my students and their parents know what type of teacher I matter what you think you know just based on reading or perhaps, your other reliable sources of information.

For those of you who are anxiously awaiting my Fall will be up sometime within the next week or so. It has LOTS of goods and will be worth the wait. I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!



  1. Keep up the good work and keep your head high.

  2. Stay strong girl! I had "that one" last year and the year before. Infuriating!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  3. Very well written! It made me stop and reflect on myself. Be true to yourself! You are admired by many!!!

  4. Your students are lucky to have such a passionate teacher! We are lucky to have you share your passion as well.

  5. I think you are wonderful and inspiring. I get so excited for your posts. Continue to remain positive, because so many of us appreciate you, your creativity, and your obvious love for children.

  6. You are such a great person whom I have come to admire through your blog. I hope that things will get better for you. I have that same kind of parent this year too and it is very furstrating.

  7. I, for one, look forward to EVERYTHING you share!

  8. Shannon, bless you. I popped in tonight to find poetry resources--because I knew you had created and shared them earlier this year!--and found this post. I don't know what has happened, but I know this: you inspire me to keep growing as an educator, to reach out to others in this amazing profession.

    If you have a rocking chair in the nursery, take a seat, put up your feet, and relax to a few lullabies. The baby will thank you, too. :-) love, Chrissy

  9. I breaks my heart to hear that someone has discouraging words. Please know that your blog is a true respresentation of your dedication to all students and the teaching profession. Thank you for all that you do!

  10. Why is it always that the ONE person who is negative can completely wash away even the most abundant positive words? I mean completely and totally washes them away without looking back. I hope you find encouragement in my (and everyone else's) many words of thanks and appreciation from all of us who DO love you and DO think you rock! Without fellow teachers like you, with the drive to think out of the box and make learning fun, I would have given up complete hope for my teaching future! Thanks for all that you do, and don't let the one person out of HUNDREDS get you down. It's totally not even worth another second of your day! :o)

    Lots of Love,

    Team Johnson

  11. Your blog has inspired me to become a better teacher. I am always looking for new and exciting ways to teach my little ones. I found your blog just this year and couldn't wait to share it. Keep your head up and know that there will always be those "haters" out there that love to make others miserable. Keep doing what you do! I am sorry to hear that someone would question what you do.
    I look forward to your next post and congratulations on your pregnancy!

  12. If it's worth anything, I think you're great and I VERY much appreciate all you do for other teachers (especially making them FREE!). You are awesome...can't wait for your fall post :).

  13. Thank you for all you do! You are so generous to share ALL that you do with us. God bless you and keep you and the soon to be new addition to your family.
    Keep ya head up!
    Ms. A

  14. I just discovered your blog this evening and after reading this post feel your pain. I too have had that person that doubted my teaching abilities and it hurts. It hurts that those people don't see what all you put in to your day to day teaching activities. No matter what you do... do not give up and hold your head up high. You are a fabulous teacher!

  15. Don't let that one person get to you.....we all have that one person. Just think of the hundreds of people who admire you and think you are a wonderful person. There is no way we as teachers can please everyone because everyone is looking for something different.
    Be proud of what you do and who you are......I know this blog is just a glimpse of what you do and is shows that you are an awesome teacher. Hang in there...this to shall pass.
    Sue :)

  16. Shannon,
    From the comments prior to mine on this post and every other post of yours, I know I am not the only teacher who finds you truly inspiring. Even though I have never met you I can tell that you are a great teacher and that you would do anything for your students. I love being able to teach my students in fun ways, ways in which they sometimes don't even realize they are learning because they think they are playing! My class loves the lessons/activities I have found on your blog. I know it is hard to handle that one person who just doesn't understand, but I want to thank you for everything you have done for my teaching and my students! I hope that you continue to inspire and share.

    Kari :)

  17. I just wanted to say thank for sharing everything that you do. Your blog is inspiring to me!

  18. are truly a remarkable and extraordinary teacher...we can all see the passion you have for your profession. You have inspired many to become better teachers...including me. Thank you for all you do.


  19. Your post saddens me! I agree with the other posts - you are very creative in your activities that you do with children. I think you are a very generous person to other professionals in your field - I can imagine the excitement you generate in the classroom.
    Keep smiling and know that you are appreciated and loved by the people that count in your life (and blog life :0))

  20. It never ceases to amaze me how that ONE person has an opinion that can hurt so deeply. I really believe those type of people have other issues. Many times it makes them feel in control or boosts their ego. I would guess EVERY teacher goes through these issues and feelings at one point or another. You need to stay true to who you are...the people who really matter know your value and where your heart is. Don't let this person get to you!!! Every time the thoughts of this situation creep in your head, tell them they are not valid. Do not give them any value!!! It is clear you have a love for teaching and work very hard to do your best. Don't give this situation any more of your time or allow it to take your personal truth away!!!!!!!!!!!! Hang in there! My mom always said, "This too shall pass." It use to make me mad, but as I get older, I understand it is true.

  21. Who are you? A beautiful young enthusiastic teacher that shares so generously with others. I've been teaching for 31 years and you inspire me and have given me that spark to make my classroom the best it can be and to always grow as a teacher!!! Keep your chin up and ignore those negative comments.
    Tonia in Redlands,CA

  22. I know you are a fabulous teacher....I can tell by the way you talk so passionately about your students. I love looking at your blog and getting ideas from you! I appreciate you and what you do for your children and your fellow teachers. Keep up the awesome work!!

  23. I doubt that the person who thought that the faceless internet was a place that they could say anything they wanted, is a teacher. Only a teacher, who lives the life of hard work, less than great pay, and so many small details to ensure are in place for the greater good of the children, would know that children are worth every late night, every extra effort, every small inspiration that becomes all consuming until it is completed, and every smile of success!
    Shake it off girl! Go to school tomorrow and look at those smiles. That's the reason that you are a great teacher!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Hi Shannon,

    I found your blog a few weeks ago and am always eager to read your new posts. I think you are an excellent teacher and a very admirable person to post your ideas for us fellow teachers. I feel blessed that I stumbled on your continues to give me inspiration! Your ideas are so creative and are worthy of praise!

    Thank YOU for all you do!! Blessings on your pregnancy!!

    Maureen :)

  26. Amen sista!!
    This is the first time I came to your blog (because of Fabulous in First), and for this to be the first post I read of yours - I could NOT agree more!

  27. Your blog is so inspiring and I love all things you do with your class. You are the type of teacher I wish my own children would have. You are inspiring to all of us out here. Please know from the bottom of all your bloggy friends you are fabulous!

  28. Some people just don't get it. They have not been in a classroom with 24 pairs of eyes focused intently on them. They don't know how much work it is to prepare for one lesson with those kiddos, much less a whole day! You can't please everyone and really, their satisfaction is not your job. Keep up the great work that we ALL know you are doing! We know!

  29. Love the things you do! Keep up the good work!!!

  30. Don't get discouraged by this one person - you are terrific.

  31. Shannon, like all the others above have said...don't get discouraged over the comments of ONE. I can tell from your blog that you are an awesome teacher and put your heart and soul into helping children learn. Whoever this faceless person is...they are also heartless! They do not understand nor appreciate the amount of time and effort that classroom teachers put into their jobs and how we make the difference in the lives of children. I have had similar experiences in the 19 years that I have been teaching and one night at the dinner table as I was complaining about a "faceless individual" my 12 year old son said..."Mom, don't let them get your goat!" I looked over at him perplexed as I had been using that phrase with him all these years and never thought of my situations in that context until that very moment. He was right! I have been working on not allowing anyone to "get my goat!" and it seems to be working. As you said in the beginning "You know who you are and you know what you do!" That is all that matters....oh...and "Don't let anyone get your goat!"

  32. My students and I LOVE your work. You are an inspiration. Please continue to share your fabulous creativity with us, I know so many of us get excited when we see you have a new post!
    Relax and enjoy!

  33. I think you are an amazing teacher! Keep doing what you are doing. :) Thank you so much for always sharing your ideas!

  34. Don't ever doubt yourself!!! I have read your blog for several months now and am amazed at the amount of time and effort you put into your littles!!! They are darn lucky to have you. As a parent I would have loved for my kiddos to have you as their teacher (they are 23, 21 and 17, so I know a good teacher from a bad one) Keep your head up... You are appreciated!

  35. You are in our prayers! Try to remember what people say is more about THEM than about you. I LOVE what you do & share & benefit GREATly from it all. Hugs. May you have peace in your heart!

  36. PS Will you please put a link on to follow you by email? thanks!

  37. People who criticize anonymously are cowardly. It is hard for a person as conscientious as you to ignore negative comments but please try your best to focus on the positive instead. You have helped so many fellow teachers and I bet your students look forward to school every single day because of you! Take care of yourself and that baby and thanks for everything!


    I know how you're feeling, and I also agree with many of the words of wisdom that have been said in the previous posts. The most important thing to remember, in your heart of hearts, is that YOU can go to bed each night knowing that you did all you could for your kiddos that day.

    Hang in there, and SMILE!

  39. Well written! I only recently found your blog and I LOVE following and sharing the information that you share with me -- with my students!!

    Sad that someone feels the need to be so hurtful.
    Thanks for all you do for others...
    Sarah Hetrick

  40. Sending you a hug. I am new to blogging and love it. I'm still in the stalking stage...finding wonderful ideas and inspiration. My Kindergarteners are benefiting from the wisdom and experience of K teachers from all over the country. Thank you for your willingness to open yourself up to all of us.
    :) Cindy

  41. It's easy to criticize, and obviously the person who has chose to target you has NO IDEA what s/he is talking about. You offer up fantastic projects and materials for FREE and I for one, would be drowning without your helpful posts and pointers. Shake it off, lady. You are an amazing teacher, and I am thankful for you.

  42. I only know you through your blog. I am a kindergarten teacher in Ohio and I ADORE your blog and I am so thankful you make your resources free. I am also expecting (my first baby) this school year and I am due in March. Your blog enthuses me to be more creative and to share my own resources with others, which I hope to soon share in my own blog. Thanks for all you do, and know you touch so many, even people you don't know!

  43. I know its much easier said than done, but you really have to make yourself listen to all the people who recognize how devoted (and great) you are and ignore the few opinionated people who don't know you. Try to respond to bullies the way you would teach your children to.

  44. I for one would be EXTREMELY proud and consider myself blessed beyond measure for my children to be taught by you! You do truly inspire others through your passion and willingness to share so selflessly. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication not only to your students, but to those of us here in blogland who you truly inspire each and every day to be the best that we can be!!!

  45. OK, yeah. Not sure you will see this at the BOTTOM of 43 comments which I haven't read, but which I assume will all be supportive and positive. However, I pray that you (and any other blog followers!) do read this b/c I have SOMETHING to SAY!

    Part of the reason I have failed to weigh in until now is that I was occupied at my Father's funeral. He died at the age of 68 very suddenly and unexpectedly. This is not only a difficult thing for me as his daughter to deal with but for me as a PARENT to deal with, particularly the parent of young children. And it was also particularly hard for my 5 children who adored their "Papa". One of the FEW, (very few) bright spots this weekend was knowing, without having to ask, without having to specify, without having to WORRY, that my sons (one of whom was in your class and one of whom is in your class currently) were in better hands AT SCHOOL than they would have been here in the first few hours & days after the news. So while I am in AWE of your teaching ability and I constantly celebrate how you are able to individualize and maximize upon the strengths of EACH child in your classroom; the true testament to your amazing GIFT as an educator is that a parent who loves her children more than life itself can trust you implicitly to know what to say, do and how to react in a tragic situation.
    And that is my answer to whomever had the NERVE to make some kind of comment that made you feel it was necessary to make this post. That person is NOT worth your time or ours.
    You are a beloved, cherished, treasured kindergarten teacher. Do not waste your time on the negative. It (and they) are beneath you.

  46. Im sorry you have to go through this, especially during your pregnancy. Some people are heartless but you have shown you have a heart of gold. Thank you again for all you do...

  47. What the heck? Some people need to just keep their mouths shut if they can't say something nice. Really. Holey Moley! You're amazing. Keep doing what you do. I hope that person has read your post and is feeling a tremendous amount of guilt. Shame on them.

  48. I get very irritated with people who "think" they know what it is to be a teacher. Let them walk in our shoes for a day. You go girl!

  49. I am so sorry you even felt you needed to respond to someone's put-downs, especially an anonymous person. How cowardly! Keep up the good work!

  50. WOW! Well said! I love your work and would love for my child to be in your class! THank you for all you do!

  51. Shannon, please know that people who choose ANONYMOUS means to convey negative thoughts are insecure and have their own issues. You are doing the best for your students and offering what you have to others. Isn't that what the true spirit of teaching is? Thank you. Be done with the negative and smile at all the positive you have gotten in return.

  52. Shannon, you my friend are AMAZING! PERIOD. I love using your activities and so do my students. I appreciate you and your ideas. You've got a fabulous heart and your students are lucky to have a teacher like you and I am lucky to have access to a colleague like you! :)

  53. Shannon, I did take the time to read the other comments. As a fellow Kindergarten teacher, Betsy's comment means the most out of all of these messages. To hear from a parent that you are the best place for their child while they are in a very difficult situation means you are trusted with their most precious gift in life. No one can take that away from you. I intended to write you some kind words like everyone else, but nothing compares to Betsy. Sleep well.

  54. Thank you for all you do! You ARE appreciated and help not only your students but hundreds of students through your generous offerings on your blog!
