Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Love I Never Knew...(non school related)

Oh, my goodness! The last week has literally flown by. My little fella is FINALLY here! Here is my story of labor and delivery...

On Monday, December 12th, I went in to be induced at 8AM. The doctor and nurses all said they would be surprised if I were still pregnant at 5PM. The baby was really low, I was 3cm, and 90% effaced. They started my Pitocin drip at 9AM. The doctor had told me he would break my water early, well I started to get ansy around 2:30 because nothing was happening. I wasn't progressing at all. 

I started having pretty bad back labor around 5 and asked for my epidural. Finally, around 6:30PM, the doctor broke my water. It was then that I realized that the epidural hadn't worked. I labored on slowly until 9. Around 9:30, they took out my epidural and gave me a new one. The new one just took off the edge, but they had to keep dosing me every 20minutes...I'll be honest, it was not fun!

I started to worry that I would end up needing a C-Section sometime after midnight. Things finally started progressing after 2AM. After an hour and 21 minutes of pushing and tearing :(....I had my little miracle in my arms. I remember just repeating, "I want him, I want him." All "goopy" and all. Nothing else in the world mattered and everyone and everything thing simply disappeared.

Cooper Daniel
21 1/2 inches
Perfection in a tiny package :0)

It is a love that I never knew before. He is this amazing little person that I literally can stare at for hours on end. All the pain of 2010, all the difficulties with getting pregnant, all the crazy drugs and procedures, all 225 (give or take) days of throwing up....ALL worth it!! I love him more than I have ever loved. I am truly blessed with the best Christmas gift EVER!!!

Here are some pictures...

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas or Hanukkah. May the New Year bring you joy and happiness!

Love to you and yours,
Shannon and Baby Cooper


  1. He is adorable! Congratulations! Enjoy every minute!

  2. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! He is absolutely beautiful!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  3. He is beautiful! I prayed for you that day and have been wondering how everything is going; thanks for taking time to update the teacher brigade!

    Merry Christmas :-)Chrissy

  4. He is precious! I love the last picture in the bear hat! Enjoy him!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  5. Aaww, what a beautiful boy! Congratulations :))

    Grade ONEderful

  6. Congratulations!! What a wonderful Christmas blessing!

  7. He is so beautiful. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Congratulations!

  8. How wonderful is he! What a blessing, and he's just in time for his first Christmas! You'll be a great mama!

  9. He is adorable!! Congratulations on your wonderful Christmas blessing! :)

  10. There is nothing like it, is there? Enjoy every minute!

  11. What a beautiful little one. I am so thrilled for you. Have a wonderful holiday with your beautiful family. Please get some rest.

  12. Oh my! He is absolutely precious. Love him! Congrats. I'm so happy for you!
    Michelle-Fabulous in First!

  13. Ah, Shannon he's precious! Lots of hugs and love to your family this holiday season. What a wonderful blessing!
    Ms. Solano's Kindergarten

  14. Congratulations Shannon! He is absolutely precious!


  15. How ADORABLE HE IS!!!!

    And you.....YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!!!


  16. What a precious little fellow, a wonderful blessing at such a joyful season of the year! Wishes for a joyous new year with your new little Cooper Daniel.

  17. Congratulations, Shannon!! What a blessing and I love the name Cooper! What an exciting year you have ahead of you! (technically a lot of years) ;D

  18. So happy for you! Your story makes me cry. It has been a blessing seeing how God has worked in your life. Have a great Christmas.

  19. What a beautiful post! Congratulations and welcome to the world Cooper! Now go get some rest and stare at him some more because they grow sooooo quickly!

    ❤Mrs. McKown
    Little Literacy Learners

  20. Wow! What a wonderful Christmas present...congratulations! Your words made me cry while I was reading. Your baby boy is perfect and precious!

  21. Congratulations, Shannon! Baby Cooper is absolutely precious! You look great, too! Enjoy every single second with him. I'm sure you are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas.

    Prayers for rest and relaxation as you enjoy your new little blessing!

    Lil' Country Kindergarten

  22. WOW......that's all I can say! U are soooo blessed. He looks perfect! I am so very glad everything worked out for you and ur husband......beautiful family! Enjoy the holidays and ur time with definitely flies by!

  23. Perrfection! What a wonderful family you have. God bless you and enjoy every minute with him.

  24. Congratulations! He is just beautiful! I've been praying for you. Enjoy the wonderful holiday with your blessing!
    Tonia in Redlands,CA

  25. Congratulations! He is such a doll!!! Have a wonderful holiday.


  26. Congratulations! I have been thinking of you. Enjoy your time with your new bundle of joy; he is perfect!

  27. Congratulations Shannon! He is adorable! I'm so happy for you and your family. I hope that you have a wonderful holiday season and enjoy your time with your new little guy!


  28. Congratulations he is previous! And thank you for sharing the pictures. I have followed your story and am so happy for your family. Best wishes and have a wonderful New Year.

  29. It is when you look at the miracle of birth that you KNOW there is a God!
    Congratulations on your miracle.

  30. Shannon, he is adorable! It is easy to see that you really did get the most amazing Christmas gift this year. Enjoy every minute with Cooper and all of his 'firsts'.

    Kari :)

  31. This will be the first of many wonderful Christmases. Congratulations to you!!! Enjoy!

  32. Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing pictures of your new little one. Have a great Christmas!

  33. Congratulations!!! He's so absolutely perfectly beautiful!!!! You just never know how your delivery is going to go, do you?! With my last one, I was 7cm when they informed me I couldn't have an epidural because my platelets were too low. I didn't think I was going to make it....but once you have that perfect bundle in your hands-everything else disappears:)
    Congrats again!!! He really is beautiful! And you look fabulous! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
    Little Warriors

  34. Congratulations! He is so handsome!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family :)

  35. Soooo precious! Thanks for the update! Enjoy every magical moment!

  36. Congratulations! Boys are so much fun! So happy for the three of you!

  37. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! Enjoy every minutes!!!

  38. Congratulations! Many blessing to you and your new little one!!!

  39. Congrats on your new little miracle!! Enjoy every minute!!! I hope you all enjoy this blessed holiday season!


  40. Congratulations! He is beyond beautiful! So happy for you and your family :)

  41. Congratulations to you and your husband. Cooper is just perfect! Enjoy every moment you have with your precious little one. I'm sure you've heard from others how fast they grow - well they really do!
    Merry Christmas to your family!

  42. Congratulations---he is BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy every minute!

    Color Me Happy in Kindergarten

  43. Congratulations! God bless you and little Cooper.

  44. You brought tears to my eyes because I remember my two little miracles too and that exact moment when you realize that nothing else matters in the world. It is the most wonderful feeling in the world!

    Congrats and enjoy your little Christmas miracle.


  45. Congratulations!!! No matter how much people tell you- you still can't really explain the love for a child until you hold them for the 1st time. I remember my 1st day home alone with my oldest daughter, my husband left for work and called 2 hrs later. I was in the same position just holding her and staring. The TV wasn't on - all I was doing was looking at her and thinking my heart actually hurts with the amount of love I felt. Enjoy every moment and good job he is adorable :)


  46. AAWWWW!

    God Bless your little one! How precious can he be? Continue to savor every little moment because they truly do grow sooooo fast.

    Merry Christmas :)


  47. Congrats on your new bundle. Becoming a parent is one of the biggest blessings!

  48. Congratulations--what a lovely family! I am so happy for you and your long-awaited blessing--he may not know it yet, but how wonderful for him to be born into a family who wanted him so much! :)

    Hoping you are enjoying your Christmas blessings!

  49. Congratulations Shannon! For all you have given us teachers over the years, I am glad you were able to get a wonderful gift for yourself! He is absolutely beautiful. My 2 year old boy is jumping on the couch right now-- enjoy your little guy- they grow so fast! Merry Christmas from a thankful Kindergarten Teacher in Ohio :)

  50. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy for you! =) He is perfect and beautiful! Now you take some time to rest and enjoy that baby! And post some pics once in awhile! We just celebrated my niece's 1st Christmas and I kept thinking back to last year how I was joking with my mom about "maybe next year we'll have a lil baby to celebrate with!" (Not knowing it was going to happen!) It is so amazing how life changes over one year. I wish you nothing but happiness and good health for you and your new little family for the upcoming year!!! Congrats again!

  51. Your post brought tears to my eyes. As a kindergarten teacher who went through many treatments in order to have children many years ago, I was reminded of my pain and joy and rejoice in yours. Enjoy your time with your son. I am very happy for you!

  52. He is absolutely gorgeous! I am so happy for you and your family! Congrats!

  53. Congratulations! You have a beautiful family!

  54. Hooray, you have a new reason to smile! May Cooper's life be filled with many blessings. Congratulations!

    ~ Amy

  55. Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing.

  56. Congratulations....What a perfect little Christmas gift! Enjoy every minute!

  57. Congratulations on little Cooper! Im sure you had a great Christmas! Enjoy every really goes fast!

  58. Shannon, he's beautiful. Such a gift! Congrats to everyone...he's one lucky little boy.

  59. Congratulations Shannon! Cooper is beautiful! I am so happy for you.

  60. Congratulations! Cooper looks so sweet. What a wonderful Christmas present.

  61. What a joyous CHristmas you must be having.
    Happy New Year.

  62. Congrats on your wonderful blessing. I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of the wonderful freebies that you so graciously share with us. I have downloaded so many of your wonderful goodies and I truly appreciate it!

  63. Congrats on your beautiful new little one! I know you have been through so much to get to this point. You look beautiful BTW!

    Enjoy your babymoon!

    Teachers Cannot Live By Apples Alone

  64. He's adorable!

    Very best wishes to all of you :)


  65. Congratulations and welcome to the world of motherhood! He is so beautiful! Enjoy every moment - they truly grow so fast!

    Ѽ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

  66. Congratulations! Children are a gift from God! Thanks for the update and for posting pics of your precious son!

  67. I am so happy for you!! I love your blog and appreciate all your freebies!! Enjoy your snuggle time with your little man:)
    Jonelle Bell
    A Place Called Kindergarten

  68. He is precious! I am so happy that you got the perfect Christmas present. Have a happy new year!

  69. Aww! He is adorable! I am so happy for you. Happy New Year!

  70. What a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations to you and your family! It is a love like no other - so happy for you!

  71. Congrats on your bundle of joy:)


  72. Congratulations!!!! He is beautiful!

  73. Congratulations!! Parenthood is a beautiful trek!! Your little Copper is just a handsome guy!!

    Im sure it was the BEST christmas ever!!

    Congrats again!

  74. He is beautiful! Congratulations to you and your husband, what a wonderful family you have created! Enjoy every moment as they grow SOOOOO fast.

  75. Baby is precious! I just gave you the Versatile Blogger Award! Check it out here:

  76. As soon as you hold that precious little miracle in your arms for the very first time, everything you went through and all the pain to get there just fades away, doesn't it? My story is so similar to yours and I remember saying the same thing over and over, just give him to me! As soon as I saw him for the very first time, all was right with my world and has been ever since! Enjoy your sweet little boy - he is absolutely beautiful!

  77. Congratulations! What a miracle. May you lives always be blessed.

  78. Congrats! He is beautiful. Welcome to the world of mommyhood!

  79. Congratulations!!! I simply LOVE the last picture!!! His is gorgeous! Enjoy snuggling with him!

  80. Congratulations on a handsome little man. Your baby is your true love and no other man will ever know your love for him. Thanks for your great story.

  81. Congratulations! He is precious! Children change your life in such an amazing way :)
