Friday, January 20, 2012

Are You Ready for Some Football?

The answer to this or any other sports related question for me I am not a sports kind of girl. My time could be much better spent shopping, reading, feeding my Pinterest addiction, catching up with the Real Housewives...really anything. I will cheer on the Chicago teams, but really, sports are not my thang. When I was trying to come up with something to post, I was at a loss, but then I remembered that the Superbowl is coming is coming up right? I didn't miss it? No, I couldn't have missed it. Coop has me restricted to the couch, so the TV is on waaaaay too much. Seriously, my behind gets sore...he just doesn't let me put him down without screaming. Either my ears bleed from his screaming or my eyes bleed from all the crap on TV. I choose the TV.

My little guy took two mini naps which afforded me some time to whip up this post along with just a few downloads for you. I am enjoying being with my Coopaloop, but I do miss creating, posting, and teaching. I ordered a clearance djinkers CD, so hopefully it will inspire some new creations...we'll see. I also started a new blog about being a new Mommy.... It's got the story of Coops name, new Mommy products, and just my story right now.

I hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading, and as always, I love all the comments!

All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
The Goods
ABC Footballs

Spin, Graph, And Tally Sports

Sports Spinner

This next one has three different levels, so be sure to scroll through it.
Words to Cheer About Worksheet


  1. Thanks for sharing :) I always look forward to your posts and am glad to see you are enjoying being a mommy!

  2. Oh my, how did I miss your wonderful news? Congratulations on your new beautiful baby!
    Dual Kinder Teacher

  3. These are adorable; thanks for sharing! Enjoy cuddling with your little man on this snowy night!

  4. Enjoy every minute with your little guy! Really! Time flies! Quick question...did you order the DJ Inkers CD online by chance? I am always looking for *sweet deals!*.

    Ѽ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

  5. Thanks for sharing! As always, your games and materials are wonderful!

  6. Thanks for the great activities! Love them! Have fun with your little guy. The baby stage goes by too quickly!

  7. Thanks Shannon! I am not a big football fan either, but these activities will be great for the kids.
    Kari :)

  8. Thank you for all the great activities! Enjoy your little one!

  9. Thank you so much!! I love all your creations! Have fun with your little guys :)!!

  10. Hi! Wow, you have such a great blog! Thank you so much for sharing so much!

    I teach Prep/Grade1 (Australia)

  11. Thanks for creating, even with your little one! :)

  12. Thanks for the great new activities. I love your blog and am always excited when I see a new post.

  13. Thanks for the new activities! My boys (and possibly some girls) will love it. Sports aren't my thing either, one of my kinders was talking about football and mentioned a name and I had no idea who he was talking about (come to find out it was a football player!)

  14. love these activities! thanks for sharing!

  15. Love your blog! You are so creative! Thanks for sharing!
    Your little Coooper is precious! Congrats! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  16. You're IT! Check out my post here-
