Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ten Frame Posters, Focus Wall, and a Giveaway!

I've had some requests for some items, so here's what I've been working on...

Monster Ten Frame Mini Posters
Seuss Inspired Ten Frame Mini Posters for my partner in crime and her Seuss room!
Rock On! Ten Frame Mini Posters for my Firstie Friend Patty :0)

I finally got the DJ Inkers Commercial License, Yay!!!! First up, my focus wall. Here's a pic,

Based on feedback I changed up the Focus Wall to include I statements, so it will look a bit different. The entire wall is to be used as a form of goal focusing with your students. The main headings are Theme, Math, Reading, Writing, Phonics, and Phonemic Awareness. It is all based on the Common Core for Kindergarten. Along with a TON of I statements, 42 letter sound combinations are included, Dolch sight words (90 sight words with blanks), 78 word family cards, and 41 theme cards (with blanks).

I am also hosting a Learning Resources Giveaway! I wanted to try out this Frog Game for number and color matching, but the main reason I wanted this was for fine motor development. I noticed over the last few years that students are coming in with less control. This is PERFECT to get those muscles working!

<br><i>Give Froggy a helping hand for fine motor skills on the fly!</i><br><br>

The set retails for $21.99. For one lucky will be free! Here's how to to enter...

1. You must follow Learning Resources on either...
2. You must follow my blog :0)
3. Leave 1 comment that includes the following (that you follow LR on one of the 3 listed), that you follow my blog, and an answer to this "School supplies have made their way to the shelves...does this excite you or freak you out?" Be sure you leave ONLY ONE comment along with your email address. 

Leave a comment by 12PM (Central Time) on Wednesday, September 5, 2012. The winner will be announced on Wednesday evening.

As always thanks so much for the support and for reading! Happy Labor Day!!!


  1. I follow LR on FB, I follow your blog, and I am excited to have all of the school supplies put away in my room! We started 3 and a half weeks ago! LOL :)

    Sweet Times in First

  2. I follow LR on pinterest and I follow your blog. I am excited to see school supplies on shelves. Thanks for a chance to win a cute giveaway. :)

    jcrcis @ yahoo dot com

  3. I love Learning Resources products and follow them on Pinterest. I'm also a loyal Kindergarten Hoppenings follower! When I was getting ready for school 3 weeks ago, new products got me excited... but now, I wouldn't mind not seeing another box of crayons for a while!

  4. What a cute game. I am following LR on Pinterest. I also am of course following your blog. School supplies being out freaks me out and excites me. It freaks me out because I have a bit of a problem with buying something at every store I go into lately. And it excites me because it means the school year is starting soon!

    Puzzling World

  5. I follow Learning Resources on Pinterest and I follow your blog! Love it! I am always excited to see school supplies out but not as excited to actually go back to school......we start on Wednesday. Hope I win!

  6. I follow (and LOVE) your blog. I follow LR on Pinterest. New school supplies excited me so much- I can never have enough!
    My e-mail:

  7. I follow your blog. I follow LR on Pinterest also. I LOVE seeing all the new school supplies each year. However, it is beginning to freak me out that they are put out earlier and earlier each year.

  8. I follow your blog and LR on pinterst. I love back to school supplies any time of year.

  9. I follow LR on facebook, I follow your blog! Seeing school supplies on the shelves makes me very happy!

  10. I follow LR on Facebook. I follow your blog. Seeing new school supplies on the shelf is awesome! Love new supplies, but does cause some anxiety to be ready for a new group of kindergarteners!

  11. I follow Learning Resources on Facebook and Pinterest. I follow your AMAZING, WONDERFUL blog. And I'm excited that school supplies are out since we started school last Monday and I've been out picking things up.

    Heather (

  12. I am a follower of your blog and LR on pinterest. I love shopping for school supplies...and I like them even more when they are organized and tucked away in my closet!

  13. I follow Learning Resources on Facebook, and I have followed your blog for quite a while. I enjoy seeing school supplies out, but I don't like them coming out so early in the summer!

  14. I follow LR on FB & I follow your blog! I was excited about school supplies because I tend to buy more than the kids!!! We have been in school three weeks already so we are working away!

  15. I follow LR on Pinterest and I follow your blog. I love school supplies! I always spend way too much money on school supplies for myself and my kids!

  16. I follow LR on Pinterest and I follow your blog. I love when the school supplies come out each year, it makes me giddy. I love how cheap they are at the beginning of the school year too!


  17. I follow LR on Facebook and I am a follower of your blog. I absolutely love seeing school supplies out.....we started school three weeks ago so we've been seeing them everywhere!!!

    K is for Kinderrific

  18. Hi Shannon! I've been a follower of yours for a very long time now {i <3 you}. I love learning resources and follow them too.
    School supplies have taken over the shelves in my classroom - I'm always excited for school supplies and am actually heading to Target tomorrow to get in on the beginning of the back to school clearance : ) {shhhh, don't tell the hubby}.
    Ms. Solano's Kindergarten

  19. I follow LR on FB and follow your blog! I love seeing the school supplies out, just waiting for Crayola crayons to go on sale so I can stock up - we got supplies donated to our very low income school and unfortunately they're the low quality waxy crayons that break easily and don't color very well :( I am hoping to catch a Crayola sale to swap them out! Love the frog game by the way - looks like such a fun way to improve fine motor skills as well as counting!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  20. I follow LR on pintrest and I follow your blog. I have mixed feeling about school supplies on the shelves. I get excited to start a new year with new kinders, but hate to see them because I know that my days of spending all my time with my babies are over!


  21. Hi Shannon,
    I follow learning resources on Facebook, I follow and love your blogs. I like to see school supplies on the shelves.....I get excited for the endless possibilities.
    And as an extra, my birthday is September 5th so what a nice way to celebrate if I won!!
    Thanks for all you post!

  22. I follow LR on Facebook and I follow your blog. I get excited that school supplies are on the shelves! We started school last week...and it's nice to have this four day weekend right after the start of school. Wahoo!!!

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  23. I follow your blog and LR on FB ;)

    School supplies make me giddy when they appear on the shelves! It's awesome not to have to give up that excitement just because we're grown-ups! Nothing smells like a new box of crayons...

  24. I follow your bog and a now follow LR on pinterest. I like seeing school supplies on the shelves, but I was not excited to see the back to school sales advertised at the beginning of July since we didn't get out of school until June 27th! We start back on Wednesday. I'd love to win this!

  25. Follow LR on Facebook and have been stalking your site for a while. I'm now a follower. School has been in session for 3 weeks now and I love the sight of school supplies. Would love to see the Frog Game added to our shelves as our classroom is known as the "Friendly Frogs."

  26. I "like" Learning Resources on Facebook. I follow you blog. My son and I are thrilled to see school supplies at the store.

  27. Hi Shannon,
    I am loving all the cute stuff you're creating! How do you find the time? :o)
    A few years ago, my sp. ed. colleague and I created that froggie game using old tennis balls (slice with an exacto knife and glue on googly eyes) and pom poms. We could have been rich!
    I follow LR on pinterest; I follow your blog, and
    I LOVE seeing school supplies at the store.
    Awesome giveaway! Fingers crossed!
    Hangin' with Mrs. Cooper

  28. I am following LR on pinterest, and i follow your blog. I am very excited for school supplies, this is our first year homeschooling! My son has fine motor issues so the frog game would be a great help to developing his fingure strength!

  29. I follow LR on pinterest and I follow your blog. I am currently a stay at home mom until my youngest goes to school but I still get excited when I see school supplies hit the shelves. I think I will always get excited! :)

  30. I am following LR on pinterest, and I follow your blog. My favorite time of the year is when he Back to School things come out!! I would love to win this for my kindergarteners! I notice that my students have less control than in years past also!

  31. I follow Learning Resources on Pinterest. I follow your blog!! and I love that school supplies are out!!
    Brianne Elizabeth

  32. I follow your blog (of course) :) and I follow Learning Resources on FB and Pinterest. I lovvve seeing new school supplies.

  33. Hi Shannon!
    I now follow LR on Pinterest and I follow your blog. I could really use this because I have several friends with poor fine motor control. School supplies on the shelf are exciting!

  34. I follow LR on FB and I follow your blog...faithfully! I was excited to see school supplies on the shelves -- both as a pre-K teacher and as a Mom!!

  35. I follow LR on FB and I follow your blog...faithfully! I was excited to see school supplies on the shelves -- both as a pre-K teacher and as a mom!!

  36. I follow LR on FB and I follow your blog! I love when school supplies show up on the shelves!

  37. I follow LR on FB and I follow your blog. I shopped for back to school supplies a month ago. I start school Wednesday, and I'm a bit nervous this year...I feel so behind still!!


  38. I follow Learning Resources on Facebook and also follow your blog! I am usually excited to see the school supplies out on the shelves!

  39. I follow LR on pinterest and follow your blog. I get excited to see the supplies out, but after a week or two and things have been picked over I just want to go and tidy them all up : )

  40. I now follow Learning Resources on Facebook and follow your blog by email updates. I love me some school supplies so yep I get really excited and plot out all the sales. Kathleen

  41. I follow your blog and LR on FB and P. I am not freaked out about the supplies because we are starting our third week of school tomorrow.

  42. I follow Learning Resources on pinterest and I follow your blog. School supplies on the shelves usually excite me until about the end of September - then I'll be wishing I was back on my summer schedule! Love these frogs! So cute!

    Melissa K.

  43. I follow LR on pinterest and I follow your blog. I do not get freaked out about school supplies. That game looks adorable! Nessa

  44. I follow LR on Pinterest and I follow your blog! I was so excited to see supplies out over the summer, but now I just want school to start already!! We go back tomorrow! yay!

  45. I follow LR on facebook and I follow yourfabulous blog!!!
    I LOVE that school supplies are back and that I have students!! Yippee!

    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  46. I follow LR on Facebook and I also follow your blog. I get excited when I see school supplies on sale!

  47. I follow your wonderful blog and Learning Resources on Pinterest.
    Love when school supplies are on sale. I buy way too much stuff!

  48. I follow your blog and LR on facebook. I love when the back to school sales hit. I always have to hold myself back. Too much ends up sneaking into my cart.
    Life with Mrs. L

  49. Hi! I dearly love your blog! I follow your blog and I follow LR on FaceBook. I love to buy school supplies when they are on sale. I really need that cute frog game for my 25 kinders!

  50. I am an avid follower of your blog and I also follow Learning Resources on Facebook. I enjoy the school sales so I can get my children's stuff for cheap, but my second reaction is "oh no! summer is over :("


  51. I have followed your blog FO-EVA! Love it so much... I also follow LR on facebook. I love school supplies on shelves too, especially NOW when they are clearancing everything out and you can get SUPER DUPER CHEAP school supplies!!! Yay!
