I hope you find some things to use in your classroom! And, if you are feeling ultra generous, you can send me you favorite birthday related item that you use in your classroom to my email...smorss99@gmail.com...that's right folks, I am not above asking for gifts myself :-)!
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Books We Love

The Birthday Goods
I know I already have this Jack Hartmann book uploaded but it ties in so nicely and my little Kinder-Hoppers ALWAYS love it, so I thought I would include it!
Our Birthday Wishes is a Class Book. It is actually in my Family Literacy Birthday Bag which all the students take home at one point during the year. I glue the cover on cardstock and laminate the front and back.
Our Birthday Wishes
ABC Cupcakes is a simple worksheet for students to write the ABC's on.
ABC Cupcakes
I use these ABC cupcakes for several things at the beginning of the year; matching upper to lower case and ABC order during whole group instruction. I use them for Go Fish with small groups.
Birthday Go Fish (Upper to Lower)
Counting Candles is a book that is for literacy, as well as, early in the year math instruction. I make a copy for each student and staple it together; however, you could certainly have students put them in order themselves, we read the books and then students must draw the number of candles indicated on each page. Then we practice reading our books using candles as pointers!
Counting Candles Book
A traditional Spin and Graph Game. Very simple for the beginning of the year. The dashed boxes are for the totals in each column.
Spin and Graph Birthday Spinner
Spin & Graph Birthday
Here is a Shape Color by Code. My kids adore anything that is color by code, so I try to be inventive!
Birthday Cake Color by Code (Shapes)
The Birthday Cake Math Mat is something that I use in the Family Literacy Birthday Bag, but it can be used as is for higher students OR for the beginning of the year, you can make multiple copies of the cakes and write numbers on them. You can use the paper candles or real candles and have students match the number of candles to the cake.
Birthday Cake Math Mat
Present Arrangement is a worksheet that gives students the opportunity to practice putting objects into order from smallest to largest. We practice this as a whole group with boxes before doing the worksheet.
Present Arrangement Seriation